



– September- 【Karaumedate Emaki】Ichinoseki City
Karaumedate (Nagasaka Castle) is known as the stronghold of the Chiba clan, the senior vassals of the Kasai clan who ruled Hiraizumi for nearly 400 years after the Oshu Fujiwara clan.
In 1590, the 17th head of the Kasai clan, Harunobu, held a war council here to decide whether or not to obey Hideyoshi’s summons to join with the Toyotomi army for the invasion of Odawara.

At this event, we will recreate this war council, and you will be able to experience the atmosphere of the time.

[Event date] Takes place end of September
[Event Location] Nagasaka Shopping district – Karaumedate Multipurpose Park
Please check <the “Ichinoseki Tourism Navi” >for more details.